Main Transformers 3 Cast Part Two
The dedicated cast of Dark of the Moonprobably benefited more from their sizable roles than we the viewers did, as a robot-oriented movie would have been better from a fan’s perspective. Although they infused the film with human life, strangely enough, because of the way it was written, you couldn’t connect very well with any of them. – Ron and Judy Witwicky, played by actors Kevin Dunn and Julie White, were again a part of the Transformers 3 cast as Sam’s parents. Ron played the steady father role well, remaining consistent in his expectations of his son. Judy, on the other hand, seemed to have the jitters, and her character was simply a comedic vehicle, of which there were already too many in the film. – A new member of the Transformers cast was Ken Jeong, who played the campy Jerry Wang. It was a short slice of The Hangover in a Transformers movie; which is not to say it wasn’t funny – his role was funny. Maybe too funny. Ken played a minion of the Decepticon who had a change of heart, and sought to atone for his act of the highest form of treason possible – selling humans out to an alien race.
He succeeded, and paid for that success with his life as Laserbeak Transformer discharged him from duty. – Of course, John Turturro came back for another go-round as Simmons, continuing his streak of being eminently watchable and likable onscreen. Retired – somewhat unhappily – from the life of a Secret Agent, and living in the lap of luxury, he eagerly throws all his chips back in when Sam Witwicky shows up on his gilded doorstep with top-secret information about Decepticon plans. For Simmons, resistance was futile. – The actress Frances McDormand joined the cast of Transformers 3 as probably the second-highest ranking officer shown onscreen (after the President in the very beginning). As the Director of National Intelligence, her first meeting with the self-proclaimed hero Sam didn’t go very smoothly at all, as she saw him more like the audience saw him: played a sizable part, but ‘hero’ is a stretch. They would patch up their differences as Dark of the Moon progressed and Sam repeatedly showed his worth. Although her character was one of the more necessary humans in the film, there were too many scenes of humor for a woman in such a serious position. –
Finally, of the characters demanding major screen time, we have Dylan, played by actor Patrick Dempsey. As Carly’s boss in the movie, he had several inappropriate meetings with her (which explains the name Sam gave him – “Mr. Inappropriate”), which did little to stem the tide of the element of surprise. When it came to the fore that he was just about as bad as they get, it was hardly a surprise, given his untrustworthy nature throughout the film to that point. Dylan didn’t appear to have a function in Transformer 3, besides as a coat-hanger for Sam’s girlfriend. His motivation was keeping her in the plot loop.